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H202 Hydrogen Peroxide

Are you struggling with infections, mold, fungus? Are you concerned about cancer cells? Do you think you might have parasites? 

Price: $225
Time: 45 to 90 minutes

This IV adds oxygen directly to the tissues of the body. H2O2 can potentially inhibit the growth of viruses such as influenza, SARS, and Epstein Barr, as well as bacteria and fungal infections such as candidiasis or mold. H2O2 can also be toxic to cancer cells. This IV is similar to ozone, but with less side effects, a shorter time commitment, and a lower cost.


600 mg of Glutathione is included.

Things to know about H202 IV Therapy

In the body, Hydrogen Peroxide easily breaks down into water and a singlet oxygen. H2O2 becomes H2O + O-. It is the single oxygen atom that gives Hydrogen Peroxide its huge beneficial properties. Within the body, friendly bacteria flourish in an oxygen-rich environment, whereas most strains of harmful pathogens that are anaerobic cannot survive in the presence of oxygen. By delivering H2O2 into our bodies it uses an enzymatic process, both catalase and cytochrome-C reactions to turn the H2O2 into oxygen. Hence, H2O2 can be incredibly effective in killing abnormal pathogens, all without needing to identify the pesky anaerobic organism.


H2O2 is antibacterial, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic, and antiviral (such as influenza, epstein barr, HIV, and herpes viruses). Other indications and uses include heart and peripheral vascular disease, cancer, and pulmonary diseases such as asthma, emphysema, and bronchitis.


Treatment guidelines: pharmaceutical grade, diluted H2O2. Our IV protocol has a full spectrum of Methylated B vitamins, Magnesium, and Manganese. Treatments are usually given once or twice a week.

Active Senior Couple

Potential Benefits

  • Fights Infection

  • Attacks Mold & Fungus

  • Gives you Oxygen

  • Supports Tissue Healing

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